Ethix K2 Bubble Gum (2CW+2CCW)-Poly Carbonate
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Ethix K2 Bubble Gum (2CW+2CCW)-Poly Carbonate
The Walksnail Avatar HD Camera / VTX Kit features a digital camera and VTX that works with HD Goggles such as the Walksnail Avatar and Fat Shark HD Dominator.
The Walksnail Avatar Coaxial Cable is a replacement or spare for the Walksnail Avatar HD Systems.
The Walksnail Avatar HD Nano Camera / Mini 1S VTX Kit features a nano digital camera, antenna, and mini VTX that works with HD Goggles such as the Walksnail Avatar and Fat Shark HD Dominator.
A replacement or spare 2.1mm camera lens
Battery Case providing 7.4V nominal voltage for use with existing Fat Shark goggles and fits into head strap like standard Fat Shark battery packs.